Large Yellow Underwing Moth

Jamie spotted this big moth in an area of long grass on an overgrown allotment plot. A perfect food location for the caterpillars.
Its wings look a bit small for its body! A Google+ user identified it for me. It would have been more obvious if it had opened its wings up.
We've uncovered the caterpillars before but this is the first adult we've found.


  1. Great pics! I'm going to get my moth trap out soon

    1. Yep, I think we need to get something set up. There's a lot of life out there at the moment!

  2. Interesting - I thought it looked like a moth too.

    1. I was told it was a moth and for some reason went out of my way to call it a butterfly! Like Kerry said on Facebook, I'm just checking you're paying attention :-)


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