16-spot Ladybird
I managed to get some close-up photos of this tiny ladybird (Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata). It was resting, rather than speeding about like this little bug usually does.
I counted 14 spots, but the 14-spot ladybird looks very different.Oh, it started to move, off at speed!
It usually feeds on nectar and pollen in grassland, so a plot visitor but not threatening or useful to our veggies. This one was found on our net curtain at home, but I expect it came home with us from the plot!
I spotted (sorry, that was an accident!) this tiny (less than 3mm) ladybird nestled in our unused seed trays. He was pretty speedy but I managed to get this nice picture of him.
I posted the ladybird to the UK Ladybird survey site as I wasn't absolutely certain of it's identity - they confirmed it is a 16-spot (such helpful people!)
I posted the ladybird to the UK Ladybird survey site as I wasn't absolutely certain of it's identity - they confirmed it is a 16-spot (such helpful people!)
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